Lucas Center Expansion, Stanford University

Lucas Center Expansion, Stanford University

At Lucas Center, we designed underpinning and temporary excavation shoring for a 40-foot deep excavation immediately adjacent to an existing 2 to 4 story medical research facility. The existing building remained in service during construction and contained...
El Camino Hospital

El Camino Hospital

Mountain View, California This underpinning project utilized slant-drilled steel underpinning and soldier pile shoring with tiebacks. This project also included preconstruction design and required OSHPD submittal, oversight and approval. Back to All...
One Hawthorne Street

One Hawthorne Street

Shoring and underpinning at One Hawthorne was designed for a 45-foot deep excavation. Underpinning consisted of slant-drilled piles and jet-grouting for groundwater cut-off under an existing 13-story concrete building and a 3-story unreinforced brick building. Shoring...